Music Ministry

Music Ministry at Lakewood First United Methodist Church

We have an exciting music program that offers many opportunities for our members, friends, and guests to worship, serve, and explore their musical gifts.

Adult Choir

Our adult choir, Joyful Noise, leads worship with a mix of traditional and contemporary anthems and praise music. This is a SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) choir that rehearses on Thursday nights from 7:30pm to 9:00pm between September and June. The choir is always open to new members.


We also have instrumental accompaniment for worship services provided by our staff musician and organist/accompanist.

Steel Drum Band

Our steel drum band, Lakewood Steel, plays a variety of sacred tunes and rehearses on Sunday afternoons from noon to 1pm in the Sanctuary between September and June. The band is open to new members and is a lot of fun!

Children’s Choirs

We have two children’s choirs: Joyful Noise 2 (K-2nd) and Joyful Noise 3 (3rd – 5th). Each choir practices every Sunday during Children’s Church.

Getting Involved

If you’re interested in joining any of our music ministries, please contact us for more information. We’d love to have you join the joy and excitement of making music together!


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